星期五, 7月 14, 2006



使命 : 製作多媒體節目,提供資訊、教育及娛樂; 適時與不偏不倚報道本地及國際大事與議題; 協力推動香港的多元開放文化; 提供自由表達意見的渠道; 服務普羅大眾,同時照顧少數社群的需要。


以本年622日之千禧年代為例,其中論題() 朱培慶﹕港台倘獨立收牌費可保財源;本來是個重要議題,因為朱先生剛於前一天,即621日在廣檢會舉行「公共廣播服務國際論壇」時,提出港台要成立一電視頻道和考慮以收費方式來支持未來的營運。本人於當日亦有出席,因當場嘉賓和議題煩多,未能一一提問,所以在22日亦在





星期三, 7月 12, 2006

Review for Causes of Homosexuality

Extract of Part VII: CONCLUSION from “HOMOSEXUALITY: INNATE AND IMMUTABLE?” by A. Dean Byrd & Stony Olsen

Neil and Briar Whitehead state in the introduction to their book, My Genes Made Me Do It! A Scientific Look at Sexual Orientation, Here is a very basic truth. There is nothing fixed or final about the homosexual orientation and its natural expression, homosexual behavior. No one has to stay homosexual or lesbian, in orientation or behavior, if he or she doesn't want to and informed support is available. No politician, church leader, church member, judge, counselor, homosexual person, friend of family of a homosexual person, needs to feel forced into a position on homosexuality based on the apparent immutability of the homosexual orientation. Homosexuality is not inborn, not genetically dictated, not immutable. Nor, for that matter, is heterosexuality or any other human behavior. In fact, our genes do not make us do anything. Whether it's homosexuality, a foul temper, bedwetting, or addition to chocolate, our genes have very little to do with it.

Professor A. Dean Byrd is a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine and an adjunct clinical professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Studies, also at the University of Utah. He is the President of the Thrasher Research Fund, as well as the Vice President of NARTH, the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, an organization of over 1500 psychologists and psychotherapists. He holds a doctoral degree in psychology from Brigham Young University and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. He also holds two post-doctoral degrees from the Virginia Commonwealth University and Loyola University. He has his own private practice in clinical psychology. Stony Olsen is a recent graduate of the J. Reuben Clark School of Law at Brigham Young University. There he was a Lead Article editor for the Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law, as well as a Reference Assistant for the Howard W. Hunter Law Library. Special thanks is given to Mr. Olsen for his research assistance.

根據 A. Dean Byrd & Stony Olsen (Byrd 為猶他大學醫學院的教授 Olsen 則為 楊柏翰大學 (Brigham Young University) 的法律書院畢業生。根據他們的學術研究和檢討﹝Review﹞,發覺某些人士所聲稱的,認為同性戀者是因為他們的某些基因所導至的一種先天傾向這一觀點,在科研上是不成立的;更好的結論是同性戀這一傾向,不是先天的,也不是由遺傳因素所決定的,亦不是不可改變的。簡單的說,人類後天的一般行為傾向﹝不單只是同性戀﹞,基本上都不是由基因來決定的。